Thursday, June 14, 2012

God Protect and Bless Victim # 9 - and may Sandusky be damned to the darkest place in hell immediately

..Jerry Sandusky prosecutors leave the jury to mull a mountain of strong evidence over the weekend . .By Dan Wetzel ..PostsEmailRSS..By Dan Wetzel | Yahoo! Sports – 1 hour 57 minutes ago .... Email.....BELLEFONTE, Pa. – The slightly built 18-year-old, looking nervous and ashamed, leaned into the witness stand microphone. He was a trailer-park kid, the son of a mom who worked in a bar and a dad who was never around, just the kind of project Jerry Sandusky's Second Mile charity was supposed to help. A patch covering his right eye due to a medical procedure made him seem broken and even more vulnerable Jerry Sandusky's defense team faces a tough weekend of preparation for its case. (Reuters) And here he was, through a low, occasionally cracking voice, telling a crowded Centre County Courtroom how when he was a young teen he'd stay in Sandusky's basement on weekends. That's when the former Penn State defensive coordinator would routinely come down at night and force him to perform oral sex. "What was I going to do?" the witness, known in court documents as Victim No. 9, said. "Look at him, he's a big guy, bigger than me. Way bigger than me." The boy only kept returning to Sandusky's home because his mother, thinking he needed a male role model, insisted he do so. Soon the sessions occasionally included sodomy, and he couldn't stop those attacks, either. "I just went with it," he said. "There was no fighting against it. … Sometimes [I'd] scream. Sometimes tell him to get off of me. But other than that, he was there, you were in a basement, no one can hear you down there." "Did you ever bleed?" Sandusky's defense attorney, Joe Amendola asked later on cross-examination. "Yes," the witness said, in a chilling tone so matter-of-fact it was heartbreaking. "I just dealt with it. I have a different way of coping with things." [Related: Janitor's graphic testimony, Bob Costas' interview benefit Sandusky prosecution] Less than a half hour later court was adjourned until Monday morning. The prosecution, while not officially resting its case, is expected to turn the floor over to the defense then. Just not before prosecutors presented one last dose of graphic, bloodcurdling testimony, one more horrible tale to rattle around in the jurors' minds during a long weekend. "Between now and then we have three days of temptation," Judge John Cleland warned the jury, citing the need to avoid not just media coverage but any discussion of the case. "It's better to say absolutely nothing." It's possible to not speak. It's another thing to not think. In four days the state has hit 12 jurors and four alternates with an avalanche of stories, evidence and descriptions they probably could never have imagined. Sandusky, 68, is facing 52 counts of molesting 10 children over 15 years, using his influence as a Penn State assistant football coach and the local Second Mile charity to prey on disadvantaged youth. He maintains his innocence. As court was adjourned, Amendola stood, sorted a few papers by tapping them on the defense table and let out a small sigh as he handed the documents to a legal assistant who placed them in one of six boxes of files. So began the most difficult and pressure-packed weekend of preparation of Amendola's career. STAFF NOTE: MAY AMENDOLA CONCEDE THIS MATTER RIGHT NOW - HIS CLIENT DESERVES DEATH, NOT DEFENSE.


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