Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Waiting Room of the World

Dear Mitzi,
Just a hackneyed note of disapproval regarding the latest complications. I say complications, because 'developments' in accordance with any certainty or continuity is just not a way of life around here. Lots of stillborn stuff, ad infinitum. Of course one could say "Arrested Developments" ad infinitum. Beginnings without endings, false starts, faked out prose, deceptive premise, uncertainties, etc. Whatever. It's a way of life, this waiting, the frenetic panic attacks of loss and general unswerving fears of what could make all the small good stuff fail in unspeakable ways. Makes me want to go back to Boston and all that's unholy at times. However, one must retain the holy. Keep on keepin' on, as I read on an authoritative Pinto's bumper sticker in the parking lot of a 7-11 around midnight recently. If one must take directives why not from a Pinto at midnight in a parking lot. But how about dealing with it all in the interim, especially when nothing moves, or doesn't move as it should? What if the Pinto is vandalized, has flat tires, and the 7-11 is getting demolished and construction is held up because someone found an Indian burial ground or moth from the 5th century glued stuck in amber. Do you just sit there eating burritos in your broken down Pinto waiting for the carbon dating to come through so everyone can say"ok no big deal just build over the moths and teepees". Well, lets think about this. There is a time to observe the past, keep the memories and eat your twizzlers and there is also a time to put them down and act. Past the past. Step forward, forget the past. This is tres difficile as mentor H. Golightly would instruct, however must be done at one time or another in a woman's life. No matter how much one wants to hide out in the Pinto. This is faith at its most embryonic. This is trust at its most lame. "Just Trust". A promotion from a tennis shoe company no less. it hurts and seems foul to the burned soul yet someone has to do it. Let the lameness begin with me i suppose. I have no idea what this means but hope it helps wherever you might find yourself today. And get out of the damned Pinto.
Love, Mara


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