Saturday, May 17, 2014


As I post this it is fascinating to note that after friends working for the California exchange were promised a raise after the perfunctory waiting period, and after most of which are still on perm-intermittent status, it stands to reason why-- after also being promised a "bonus" (do these exist in government work outside of being a DC lobbyist or senator??) said bonus was no where to be found on the exchange agents paycheck! Well that's the way it goes says the union, but wow! Honestly, these saps can't run their lives the way you people run the HR division of Contra Costa County. Apart from these poor slouches becoming ad hoc programmers, trouble shooting every which way to get the damn system to take a simple edit all the way to --uh-uh-uh you're two minutes BEHIND SCHEDULE!! OFF WITH YOUR E-HAD phenomena of stressing out the employees, I guess its a pretty fair way to make a buck. We just leave the rest to karma as far as executing the appropriate just dues for those in the higher offices that can actually control the minutiae of- oh I don't know- promising bonuses to the over-worked, underpaid exchange employees-- and actually following through with an actualy (wait for it) BONUS... Nicer are a few more facts to peruse: If executives from the director on down to the IT project director gave up one hour of pay daily for each week of every month for a year the exchange is open, they'd have a nice overage to share with the ppl actually doing the dirty work, namely the customer service representatives who, from what I hear, are actually doing the job of case workers... hmmm, take a look; Director Peter Lee $7451.40 Chief Dep Ex Director $6109.80 Chief Fiscal Officer $4440.60 Director of Commerce and PR $4768.80 Director of SHOP Exchange $4768.80 Chief Tech/Info Officer $4768.80 General Counsel $5245.20 Director of External Affairs $4768.80 and last but not least.... (drumroll) The person everyone has to thank for CAL-heers (apart from the powers that be) IT Project Director $4291.80 so thats a lot of chump change the big shots can afford to either: 1. give back to the exchange employees (unwashed masses) 2. provide 1 full time position for a current Permanent Intermittent status person. Think about it and get back to the union, Mr. Lee...